My passion is to help dogs and their owners find ways of effectively managing communication with each other and finding their optimal happiness through a balanced system of exercise, obedience, and socialization.
I want training to be a positive and fun experience for you and your dog. I am a big believer that happiness leads to motivation and a motivated dog wants to make the right choices and engage with you even more. There are a few options for my training services – private training (with or without you) and pack training. The pack training sessions typically have 3-4 dogs. I strategically team up the dogs based on what I want them to learn from each other that day. This calculated matchmaking provides extra motivation, friendship, and moral support for all the dogs in the training program and has been proven to be incredibly effective time after time. It will be up to me and your dog when your dog is ready to be in the pack environment. It is never something to rush, but it is a huge advantage for certain aspects of training. I love to help build the lines of communication between dogs and their families. I do everything I can to make sure each training session is a rewarding one, focused on fulfillment-based training, which will ultimately give you a more well-balanced dog. My techniques emphasize redirection, rewards for good choices, prevention, and anticipation. |